Thursday, August 9, 2012

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was discussed in chapter 7. It can be defined as a branch of Science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion (1). With 50 years of research into Artificial Intelligence, we have seen advances such as: systems which can mimic human thought, systems that can understand speech, and even systems that can beat the best human chess player (2). This innovative technology is actually getting so intricate that the military is even applying AI logic to its high-tech systems (1).

The goal for Artificial Intelligence developers is to make computers, which are able to perform mechanical computations (2), act more intuitive. Computers are almost one dimensional, even though they are complex systems; they are able to compute basic functions but have trouble adapting to new changes. Developers wish to improve machine behavior in tackling such complex tasks (2). Making machines think just as a human can prove quite beneficial. AI research has actually helped researchers understand Human Intelligent Behavior. It gives researches a chance to dissect our approach to problem solving and our level of deliberative reasoning and pattern recognition (2). This information is obtained by creating this human process.

We have seen similar systems in use today; especially in the medical field. To be more specific, it is being used on Cancer patients. For example, when doctors are managing care for women with breast cancer, the information available to them profoundly influences the type of care they recommend (3). Before they can even recommend a treatment, they must know whether the Cancer has metastasized (spread) or not. This will determine the outcome of the patient’s treatment. When Cancer metastasizes from the original site, it begins to form new tumors in different organs throughout the body.

Time is of essence when dealing with Cancer; Radiologists tests aren’t always straightforward when determining if Cancer has spread.

A team of researchers at the University of Chicago are in the process of developing a new system. This computer program actually uses artificial intelligence to analyze the features of ultrasound images in order to help doctors predict earlier whether a woman's cancer has metastasized (3). There currently are no automated systems (3) approved by the FDA in diagnosing any kind of Cancer. The team is now reporting the results of a preliminary pilot study that retrospectively reanalyzed the diagnostic ultrasounds of 50 women with suspected breast cancer who all had lymph nodes that appeared normal in the ultrasound -- suggesting that their cancers had not metastasized (3). After surgery, it was noted that 20 of the patients Cancer had spread. The researches have claimed that their system accurately identified the 20 metastatic cases.

At first I didn’t understand why it was necessary for the development of Artificial Intelligence. These systems will be capable of giving simplified, reliable and efficient results without the risk of human error. With that being said, I can now see the use of this technology within a wide spectrum of fields. As time goes on, I believe we will be affected by Artificial Intelligence in daily life. These systems will revolutionize the world.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

DSS in Business

DSS (Decision Support Systems) were created to assist in the decision making process. This system is broadly used in both the business and management fields. In management, DSS are looked upon as being very critical systems. An example would be a manager’s use of Knowledge Based Systems (1). These systems are interactive software-based systems intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, and personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions (1). It can be looked upon as an interactive assistant who is knowledgeable in different scenarios.

 Many companies today use a tool called an Executive Dashboard (1). An Executive Dashboard is software that allows faster decision making, identification of negative trends, and better allocation of business resources (1). These systems don’t actually think for the manager; his/her intuition is still needed regardless. It merely assists in making better, more efficient decisions when related to risks (3). Making a decision that is based on past data, can prove success. These programs calculate different probabilities. It helps to foresee the future; by seeing what the chance of certain occurrences is.

 Aside from helping make decisions, these programs also assist in checking up on the condition of a company internally. This will help the businessmen/women to detect if the health of their enterprise needs to be replenished or be maintained (4). If replenishment or maintenance is needed, proper actions will be executed. This also will help managers keep on top of their operations so they don’t get thrown “out of the loop”. If used correctly, it will be quite beneficial for the company's future. Because of customization, these support systems cater to its user and whatever information they are seeking. 

Dashboards for property management can be configured in numerous ways to show both consumption and cost data for buildings (4). As a property manager of commercial real estate, my father uses these systems in times when profitability needs to be increased. Working under the owners/ investors of the property; my father’s job is to have the building running as cost efficient as possible. When implementing dashboards, it is very important to pick indicators that are consistent with the company’s broad goals and present them to the appropriate managers and employees (2). When the goal is profitability, management's DSS will flag any costly expenditure such as energy (which happens to be the most costly). After it is flagged, the right actions are then implemented to solve the issue. References

 2. for-executives/

Monday, July 30, 2012

Electronic Business

An example of an electronic business that I have used religiously for years is, Inc. Now, an interesting aspect of a company like Amazon is how they actually operate. This e-business was opened for business on July 16th of 1995. Amazon’s founder and CEO, John Bezos, didn’t start with much. This future success started off with nothing more than a few people packing and shipping boxes of books from a two-car garage in Bellevue, Washington (1). A company which started as an online bookstore soon turned into the largest online retailer in the world; selling anything from books to golf carts. But, there is a main difference when using Amazon opposed to any other online retailer. This difference is the customization of your online shopping experience. The embedded marketing techniques that Amazon employs to personalize your experience are probably the best example of the company's overall approach to sales: Know your customer very, very well (1).

Customer tracking (1) is a main aspect that separates Amazon from the competition. This aspect causes Amazon to have a big advantage over its rival online retailers: It knows things about you that you may not know yourself (2). By allowing Amazon to “stick cookies in your hard drive”, you'll find yourself on the receiving end of all sorts of useful features that make your shopping experience pretty cool, like recommendations based on past purchases and lists of reviews and guides written by users who purchased the products you're looking at (1). By obtaining all this information a relationship has been established. Amazon keeps all customers happy, which in turn creates loyalty between the customer and merchant.

The other main aspect that separates the company from the rest is Multi-Leveled E-Commerce (1). This strategy, allows almost anyone to sell anything using Amazon’s website. Aside from individual sellers, we also see some other large e-commerce sellers who use Amazon to sell their products in addition to selling them through their own websites (3).  Companies lease spaces with Amazon so they are able to sell their product on the platform. This strategy is another reason for Amazon’s success. By having such a large amount of online foot traffic and a wide selection of products, Amazon acts as a one-stop shop for the consumer. Reviews, which are found on every product page, actually have a lot of value for the customer. I myself can honestly say before I buy a product on Amazon, I usually read the reviews. It has been made a habit over the years.

These two aspects are what contributed to Amazon’s success over the last seventeen years of business. The company’s platform has been so successful that they even offer a new program that lets those affiliates (Amazon calls them "associates") build entire Web sites based on Amazon's platform (1). You almost have the ability to create a mini Amazon website for your personal selling needs. This site would operate just as does. As long as any purchases go through Amazon, you can build a site called, pull products directly from Amazon's servers, write your own guides and recommendations and earn a cut of any sales. Amazon has become a software developer's playground (1). Because of the company’s great business decisions and success, I would not be surprised if they are around for another seventeen years.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing has had a major impact on mostbusinesses today. Through the innovation of technology, Cloud Computing has provedcost and time efficiency for companies. Because of Cloud Computing, we seegreater reliability, lower costs, managed growth and improved collaborationwithin companies.

A prime example ofCloud Computing used amongst millions would be “email on the go”. In today’sworld, email plays a central role in everyone’s life. This highly reliable servicehas tightened the gap of communication between people. We are now accessiblewherever we possibly go. Looking at this from a business standpoint,businessmen/women don’t have to wait for the lengthy/unpredictable times of thepost office delivery. They are able to communicate in an instance withouthaving to call the person on a telephone. Being able to email data back andforth this quickly shows major time efficiency.

From an economicalstance, Cloud Computing requires a low initial investment to get the ballrolling.
There are no large costs which means, losses are minimal. Instead ofbuying tons of hardware like in the past, software and various services can beaccessed over the World Wide Web without having to leave your house.Productivity is greatly increased when tasks are made easier to accomplish.

For more established businesses, IT costs can be rather pricey. Fewer physical servers’means less energy; and less energy means less money spent. We could look at is GreenCloud Computing. This option “is getting more attention with recentstudies reporting greater carbon efficiency, increased cost savings andimproved operations efficiency”. This eco-friendly option has shown rapidspread and grown over the last years.


Online shopping with Smartphone

It is a matter of time before Smartphone’s actually revolutionize the retail market. The Internet has actually begun to cater to those who use smartphone; Iphone’s to be specific. Just a few years ago, most Iphone's were unable to successfully visit certain websites. The reason being, a lot of websites are Adobe Flash enabled; Apple products do not support Flash. “Apple’s Steve Jobs led the escape from Flash dependency when Apple introduced the Iphone, and later introduced the iPad. There was a hue and cry over the omission. Time proved Jobs was right on target”.

These devices have become so popular that they have soaked up almost seventy-five percent of all mobile phone profits. 82.2 percent of Americans in the United States currently use a smartphone. 2.3 million Of those people currently use an Apple Iphone. Due to this high demand for Iphone's and Ipad’s, websites began to make Iphone/IPad friendly versions of websites. This has proved beneficial for those especially in the retail market. IPad and Iphone users actually account for “ninety percent of mobile shopping”. By retail attacking the Iphone user market, they have generated great profits. We have seen this trend begin to spread like wildfire.

Because it is so easy to conquer simple tasks such as: making purchases or even checking your bank statements; compulsion erupts among smartphone users. Consumer mobile spending has jumped 7.5% over the last year or so; with leading mobile devices being the IPad and Iphone. Growth was seen across all sectors including department stores, home goods, apparel as well as health and beauty with all areas reporting increases of 15.6% to 18%”. This statistic shows that this device is being used by a wide spectrum of users. When a device is made so user-friendly and easy to use, what else can be expected?


RQ4 Customer Database

While working at VerizonWireless, I had become very familiar with Retail IQ. Retail IQ (RQ4) is a program that provides all the features you need to manage and streamline thecore functions of your business. Within this software, there was a large customer section. Every customer who visited the store was manually entered into this customer database by a representative. They did not necessarily have to purchase anything. We were instructed by management to obtain all the information we can (First and last name, address, primary cell phone number and last four digits of social security number). With most of this information we were able to login to a customer’s account. By doing so, we were able to see all the activity within that persons account (upgrade dates, overages, etc.).

By entering all the information we obtained from the customer into our database, we were able to generate future business. After the information is obtained, we (sales team) paid close attention to the customers upgrade dates. An upgrade date occurs usually four months before the end of their wireless contract. During that time, the customer is eligible for a new cell phone at promotional pricing. If a customer chooses to upgrade their cell phone, they will also renew their contract for another two years.

Our goal as a store is to upgrade and add as many new lines of service as possible. We cannot just rely on walk in customers due to the fact that it may be a hit or miss. By doing so, monthly quota is not usually reached. Most Authorized Retail stores (franchised) use some kind of calendar application that will remind the sales team when a customer is ready to upgrade their line. Luckily for our location, our customer database had an integrated calendar. Daily, we would receive reminders indicating who is ready for a new phone. After this, the sales team would perform some cold calling. If the customer did not answer, we would always leave a message.This is how half of our business was actually generated.

Answers to Questions
1. Even though the RQ4 Customer Database greatly benefittedthe company, there were still some challenges with the system. I alwaysremember software freezing, not allowing us to perform simple tasks, issueswith saving information. Another big issue was the inability to backup ourcustomer database. If our main computer crashed, all our customer informationwould be lost.

2. Because our sales team was forced to input customerinformation/ check the calendar daily, this posed a competitive advantage amongstcompetition. Most other Authorized Retail locations we dealt with did notoperate as we did. They did not care to check their calendars daily due tolaziness. This reflected on the stores monthly numbers.

3. I would suggest for the customer database to bereorganized. There were many duplicate customer profiles and outdatedinformation within the database. I would also suggest an updated version of thesoftware. Because our database was so large, the system usually lagged and becameunresponsive; causing us to force close and restart the program.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hardware/Software Spreadsheet

My Spreadsheetshows a list of necessities which are needed when operating a WirelessTelecommunication store.

1. Goto
2. Select Sign up now if you currently don’t have an account
3. Locate the Online Spreadsheets link and click it
4. Fill in all your information/data
5. End result => Total Cost
6. Title and save spreadsheet
7. I clicked the publish link, I then chose Embed inWebsite/Blog . I then allowed to export.
8. Log into, added a gadget (Html/Javascript)
9. My link was copied then pasted into Gadget
10. Lastly, I pasted the URL to my Spreadsheet into the W2 Spreadsheet Lab section ofthe forum.

Shain Prefi Spreadsheet